Clients are encouraged to contact us or request a quote for estimations.
Cadastral / Boundary Surveys
Topographic and As-Built Surveys
Engineering Surveys
Volumetric and Stockpile Surveys
GPS Surveys
Condominium Surveys
Pipeline Surveys
Land Development Design
Draughting and Mapping Services
Subdivision Surveys
Cadastral / Boundary Surveys
Cadastral / Boundary surveying and mapping is carried out by a Land Surveyor, who must adhere to both legal and spatial-measurement principles in physically determining the boundaries of real property. Cadastral surveyors cross reference deeds, maps of the adjoining properties, county and utility maps, survey records, and other legal documents establishing property boundaries. Data from these records is analyzed for errors, followed by the commencement of the field survey, during which surveyors use cadastre survey instruments, such as laser scanners and ranging rods, and the boundaries of the property are outlined, metes and bounds are marked, and a traverse is run around the property. Cadastre documentation is then completed is submitted to the Land Survey Board of Trinidad and Tobago for registration and approval. The approved document is then provided to the client.
Topographic and As-Built Surveys
A topographical survey is an accurate depiction of a site (property, area of land, defined boundary) which is scaled and detailed to show all the natural and manmade features and their levels. This type of survey can give you valuable insight into a piece of land, in terms of height, depth, size and location. Examples of features that you might find on a topographic survey include existing buildings, trees, levels, adjoining window locations and visible services.
Engineering Surveys
The engineering survey is the process used to determine the exact position of objects on the Earth’s surface (whether natural or artificial) by collecting, evaluating and recording various data on the ground. It is one of the first steps required to take before starting any civil engineering project and is a fundamental operation to ensure the correct positioning of buildings and infrastructures.
Volumetric and Stockpile Surveys
A volumetric survey is a survey that accurately measures the volume of a stockpile or of earthworks. This type of survey is similar to a topographical survey, however, it pays increased attention to levels and break lines, ultimately giving you an all-encompassing picture of the volume of land and material present on a site, both on the surface and subsurface.
GPS Surveys
GPS Surveying uses a static GPS Baseline is a technique to determine accurate coordinates for survey points. Baseline measurements achieve this by recording GPS observations over time, then processing that data to provide the most accurate result.
Condominium Surveys
A Condominium Survey makes it possible to divide ownership of land or divide ownership of units within a building.
Pipeline Surveys
A pipeline Survey is defined as the method of assessing the existing condition of sewer collection and water distribution pipelines that run underneath a city. A pipeline survey can estimate the extent of damage and deterioration of a pipeline, and assess any need for repair, replacement or rehabilitation.